Wow! its hard to believe that we are starting round 7 of the doll quilt swap! if i am not mistaken, i think the first round was in april of 2007, started by our lovely
losabia(who i might add just had
the most adorable baby girl). Sign ups started on tues nite, and we are filling up fast. i imagine we will reach enough players by friday nite. we are hoping to be able to have partners out on tues. we will keep you informed as to the time.
i just wanted to give you a little info as to who the mamas and the papa are this round. be kind to them, they do a lot of work!!!

quiltdad, is our first manquilter (i love that name) in the group. since john joined (when was it john??) we have had a number of other manquilters join our ranks, including scott over at
bluenickelstudios. john has such fabulous taste in fabric, and quite the following on his blog.

patchy work of mini grey, is just one of the sweetest people you would ever want to "meet" she too has been around dqs for ages, and this is her second round being a swap mama. she makes some awesome quilts

my new blog journey, is another talented and oh so sweet one of our swap mamas. she is a first time mama, so be kind to her! altho she has done a number of dqs's as a member, lauraj has a fun sense of humor, so if she is your mama expect a good time.

by needle and thread, has done some stunning quilts for dqs! she is a great swap mama, and a great inspiration. pop on over to her blog, she just hit her 50th post!

scrap happy quilts, is one of our swap mamas (and members) that loves civil war prints and retro 30's prints and likes to make 'em scrappy! she holds the honor of being the only member with her dad (
tlewishindes) as a member too.

lisa, of
Upstate Lisa, is a new swap mama who makes terrific quilts. Lisa lives in upstate New York, near the Adirondack Mountains. She's wife to Mr U, has three busy children and enjoys quilting, sewing, crafting, working out at the gym.

lynne, of
the Patchery Menagerie is another new swap mama. Lynne is an artist who usually makes 0ne-of-a-kind quilts. She has a grown son and now lives with her cat,
and then of course there is little ole me, susan aka
chickenfoot. i have done every dqs as a player, and have been a swap mama in every one except the first. can you believe lisa did all this on her own??? ack! i think this is my third time being big swap mama (think like big kahuna, haha). tanaya,
themad1s was also a big swap mama for a couple rounds, i dont know why i cant think who the other person was. or maybe tanaya did it three times??
we are going to attempt to blog here each week, at least one of us i hope!!
we will be working our collective bums off this weekend to get you all matched up, so be patient, the fun will be starting soon!! promise!
your faithful swap mama
susan (chickenfoot)